Kukahiko Estate Wedding

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Jamie + Steven's Wedding at the Kukahiko Estate

I had the pleasure of photographing the Beautiful wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Scott.Jamie, Steven, & their 30 closest family & friends all came to Maui to celebrate the very special love these 2 have for each other.And please believe me when I say this family has sooo much love!If you read my post on Instagram yesterday about amazing step-dads here is the one I was talking about! Their little 10 year old daughter spoke up during the ceremony and said the sweetest things about how happy she is for her parents while she cried tears of joy! I CRIED!This made top 5 of the most touching things I’ve experienced while photographing a wedding.Having come from a totally different situation and experience as a child, this was very special for me to get to see the pure love Steven holds for Mckenna & Hayden and vice versa!Ceremony and reception were beautifully planned by the one and only Maui wedding planner, Kelly Miller, owner of A Perfect Paradise Wedding.Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special day!XOXO Shayla Tiare Koomoa[/et_pb_text][dmg_masonry_gallery gallery="25565,25566,25567,25568,25569,25570,25571,25572,25573,25574,25575" _builder_version="4.17.4" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" theme_builder_area="post_content"][/dmg_masonry_gallery][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


Sunrise at Baby Beach - Lahaina, Maui